Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Washington Post Joins the Dissident Set!

And Drudge!
And Fox News!

Pinch me! Am I dreamin'?!

As I hit the "publish button" on the previous piece about The New York Times filing a serious report about election recount problems in Ohio, I was notified that tomorrow's Washington Post features a full report on scads of reported problems in Ohio! (Just six weeks late, and a day after the Electoral College cast it votes, but better late than never I guess!) Here's the MSNBC reprint for those not registered with WaPo.

To make matters even more incredible, the story is linked on Drudge! What the...?

But wait, that's not all! I heard that Cliff Arnebeck, the attorney who filed a brief with the Ohio Supreme Court to set aside the states election results due to irregularities and fraud, was on -- get this -- Hannity & Colmes tonight! (Hi, Alan! Long time no email!) UPDATE: Interview now online here.

What the hell is this world coming to?!...Its senses?!


Blogger jazzolog said...

All well and good media coverage is starting to happen, as BradBlogToo http://bradblogtoo.blogspot.com/ and Ray Beckerman http://fairnessbybeckerman.blogspot.com/#110226258199324878 are pointing out today...BUT the headline is turning out to be "voting irregularities" and "problems." Might we query how such a mild frame is being selected? Do we not have before the House Judiciary Committee an affidavit and sworn testimony that Florida Republican Congressperson Tom Feeney commissioned Yang Enterprises to develop software to alter electronic voting machine tabulation illicitly in 1999? Might we inquire whether voting suppression and fraud have been REGULAR activities of Republican representatives ever since?

12/15/2004 3:45 AM  
Blogger Winter Patriot said...

I respectfully disagree with "louderlouder" concerning the term "dissident". Let's face the fact. We ARE dissidents. We dissent. We disagree. We do not approve of the way in which this election was conducted and we are brave enough, honorable enough, to stand up [or sit down] and say so. It is our right, and our duty, to do so.

This nation was founded by dissidents. Dissidents have made huge contributions, all through its history. In my opinion we should embrace the title of "Dissident" and carry it proudly. Always.

12/15/2004 8:52 AM  
Blogger deborah said...

Well, of COURSE all the blowhards are talking about this -- they WANT the Judiciary to "investigate" things, not Conyers, not the Dems. They want the cards in Bush's hands. That's the way Ohio's Blackheart (sorry) is playing it, isn't it? They'll get all the reports, all the evidence -- and any agents who've given info they don't like will be exposed and quietly taken care of. This is part of the purge.

(A man burned himself in front of the White House. No one cared! )

What we need to do, what we CAN DO right now is spread the truth -- start now and don't stop. Take articles that speak truth from papers that our FOX and CNN-lulled citizens might actually read, print them out and put them under windshield wipers in parking lots -- store shelves, anywhere and everywhere. *We have to be the media now that isn't.*

aside: Do NOT take to the streets. They have stun guns that do crowds now, and the media won't say a word. No one will lift a finger.

12/15/2004 12:38 PM  
Blogger BradF said...

whodoyoutrust asked:

"When I get to the minority members' page and try to navigate, the title bar at the top of my browser dhanges to "exit," I get an error message, and I am kicked off the Internet -- every time, including last night and today. I believe that would occur only if someone had programmed it to do so. Has anyone you know of been successful in communicating with the House Dems via the House website?"

I tried what you mentioned, whodoyoutrust. Went to the site via the Judiciary.House.Gov address, followed the "Minority" link and got that "Exiting Judiciary" message just before I was redirected to the www.House.gov/Judiciary_Democrats section.

It seemed to work fine and didn't kick me out at all.

Perhaps you are using a popup blocker, or some kind of software that disallow such re-directs?

12/16/2004 3:53 PM  

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